During the 4 days of the conference there will be 34 workshops, one of which will be presented by Thinking-Big! It is very good to be able to participate in this big conference and with it to have the opportunity to show our work to people that work in the same field.
From the opening day some interesting ideas stood out that we want to share:
- All of us working in Positive Psychology are the “progress implementers” (Carmelo Vazquez).
- The importance of two components that should always be present: Openness and Criticism, that is, to be open to new ideas but with the ability to criticize them (Hans Henrik Knoop).
The opening keynote was presented by Barbara Fredrickson, specialist on Positive Emotions and Love research, who, based on psychophysiological and bio-behaviourist studies, showed a clear relationship between Love and Health. The presented studies show that increasing the number of daily positive emotions (for example, through “loving-kindness” meditation) it is possible to increase the expression of biologically healthy behaviours.
Tomorrow we will be back for another day at the Conference, looking forward to learn more, and tomorrow is the day for Thinking-Big’s workshop! Let’s do it!