Individual participantsParticipants on a Conference on Feira do Empreendedor, Porto, Portugal, November, 2014
"Trying not to be pessimistic, I thought it unlikely that a conference could catch and delight me so much. It was a wonderful surprise to be able to watch and listen to Edite, working as proof that I need to leave the door open to let the unlikely enter in my life, without ever forgetting that "it is better done than perfect". Thank you." Luisa Freixo (Portugal) "In my opinion, your experience and dedication as an entrepreneur caught everyone's attention and was very important for the motivation of all the participants that are looking for the strength to start as entrepreneurs, losing some fears and taking risks with responsibility. Your contribution exceeded all expectations, being for me the best of the day, being very clear, practical and realistic. I really appreciated the way you presented the conference. Congratulations!" Miguel Garcez (Portugal) "What I liked the most about your conference, more than your irreverence and passion when talking about your project, was the way you got me thinking about what I can do differently, to take risks, to try and not be afraid to fall and more... that we depend on the others to function properly. And this, the network concept, is absolutely essential!" André Oliveira (Portugal) Participants in the workshop at the Service Design Global Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2014
"Edite is a highly captivating personality and performer, with or wihtout slides. Her very portuguese (in the warmest sense of the word) workshop facilitated learning in an almost seamless way and sparked a healthy dose of curiosity to go on with. In my mind, she belongs to the distinguished group of people who give post-it's a good name." Mihkel Virkus (Estonia) "Edite introduced me and the audience at the SDGC 2014 to the power of Positive Psychology. The workshop was great, really inspiring. Edite and her collabo Rita had all our attention in a snap because of their innate ability to engage people. Professional and funny. Edite did it well." Cesare Bottini (Italy) "I've attended Edite's workshop about Positive Psychology at Service Design Network Conference 2014. Although I just met her once, I could already feel her essence of reliability and empathy. She is a psychologist from inside. And the workshop clearly showed how optimism and interconnectedness can enhance communication, thus it would be a pleasure if companies could have a chance to experience her training sessions." Linh Duong (Vietnam) "We met during the Service Design Global Conference 2014 in which I participated in her workshop. It was a concise story for a true global audience. Edite fascinated her listeners by her approach how to use Positive Psychology as service designers within teams, as an individual professional or as a person. Even more important, she achieved that all members - coming from all over the world - in the workshop connected with each other at a personal level within 60 minutes. At the workshop I got an impression of how applying the concepts can make things better. And is this not what designers, managers, your staff members and humans all strive to achieve? I'm sure Edite can assist you in this challenge." Fred Zimny (Germany) Participant in the workshop at the European Conference of Positive Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2014
"I met Edite at a congress on Positive Psychology in Amsterdam where I followed her workshop. I was impressed by her creativity in stimulating the participants becoming very active in a very short period. It was amazing how fast we have been made enthousiastic especially in communicating and contacting. I have enjoined this workshop very much". Richard ten Hoedt (Netherlands) Participant in the conference at FNAC Marshopping, Porto, Portugal, June 2012
"I would like to congratulate you for your presentation, last Friday, it was really interesting and it focused on many interesting and practical aspects. The presentation was really amazing and you were able to keep everyone's attention, as everybody was learning something from it. It's like you have "filled" people with a lot of energy, optimism and positivity for all the weekend! You made us think about our life ambitions, our ideas. Thank you for having enriched me, I took a lot from it to my daily life!" Bruno Nunes (Portugal) Participant in several activities in the company, Barcelona, Spain, June, 2012
“I have had the chance to enjoy the professionalism of Edite Amorim on three occasions: a training course on public speaking, one on positive leadership and a lecture on her THINKING-BIG project. In all three cases the outcome was the same, an injection of inspiration thanks to Edite's orientation towards creativity and innovation, and her optimistic and energetic way of sharing knowledge and skills. More than a Motivational Speaker, an Inspirational Talker!" Alfonso López (Spain) Two participants from an Entrepreneurship workshop in ANJE, Porto, Portugal, 2012
"After the training, we've just stayed there, thinking about all the things we've heard during the day and about our own project. It was an intense training, full of activity. Thank you for sharing with us your life perspective and your optimistic and positive way of facing life and problems. It was really good to see in first person that, if we believe in ourselves and act according to it, we can live our life the way we imagine it. We really have to give value to things that have value and live a positive life. Thanks for sharing! On our side...We keep on believing!" Participant in the "Positive Attitude in Costumer Service" training
- Barcelona, Spain, 2011 "I leave the training with a sense of dynamism and willing to develop a proactive attitude and courtesy towards clients. I also feel more focused on how to perform my job's duties - the importance of offering a good service by helping our clients more and of paying attention to their needs. It gave me new and eye opening perspectives on customer service and on my life as well. Participant in the “Expressive techniques to public speaking” workshop - Lisbon, Portugal, 2010
“This workshop brought me so many things... Being with other people in this context really made me realize the importance of the human touch, of being closer to the others without losing individuality. I became more aware of my body and of my surrounding space and it made me more comfortable about myself and with others. Participant in the “Be happier, sell double” workshop - Colorado, USA, 2011
"I would highly recommend participating in any class that is instructed by Edite Amorim. She gently connects to the participants, drawing each unique individual into a wonderful and engaging experience. I was fortunate to attend the “Be Happier, Sell Double” training which shined a new light on how I see myself and how I perceive others, especially those I work with. " Pattie Olson - Zoom’n Dog Productions (USA) |