For many years this has been the life I have chosen to lead, and it still makes sense.
Traveling. Drifting.
Each step of my path allows me to tell different stories, which are in-and-out life experiences all lived in the first person, offering a broader perspective on the importance of Questions, Encounters, Doubts, Differences – topics that are always present in each departure and return.
It is with all that, that I envisage and build myself as a person and until now it is the way I have been living my days.
It is also true that this way of experiencing life nurtures the way I conduct my work.
My background is mainly based on Psychology (Health, Social and Positive Psychology), with a Graduate and Master’s Degree which endowed me with theoretical knowledge. Later on, I added Philosophy, Behavioral Economics, Expressive Body Work and Design Thinking, which provided new dynamics with more wholesome and up to date approaches.
These are the main core of what I share and explain at conferences and training courses; ideas about Applied Creativity, Change Management, Positive Leadership, Team Work or Team Communication.
But the shape goes far beyond the content. The way to explain all of this is done with suitcases and backpacks filled with stories and encounters. This is the way: using examples and ideas that had travelled territories where the will existed, stuff coming from different places and written on my always-present-notebooks.
In order to share the best I have in me, I mix material from books with material from life itself and retell theories that I learned by reading through stories I learned by being. Storytelling gets an huge importance. Storytelling from within.
My drifts are mostly about being curious all the time and searching for as much as I can learn from the world. And it is the world itself, with its theoretical and practical sides, that after being explored and synthetized, allows the flow of my work with groups.