After all this years providing trainings for managers it's still interesting to realize how challenging it is to understand their feedback and their motivation level during the first session. Most of the times, when things are going really smooth or obviously positive and interactive, all energy levels in the room just rise and we can feel the positive ambiance too. But in some cases, specially on "Monday cases", or in groups just starting to interact, some doubts just come.
"Am I doing the best I can to motivate them into this theme?"; "Am I presenting the right and useful contents according to their needs?", "Are those the best examples I could find for this particular group?"...
Sometimes only the continuation of the sessions gives me the answer. But other times, little things happen and reassure the chosen path. A small conversation, a little detail, or simply a short e-mail, like this one, received after a "first Monday session" in a company in Barcelona:
"P.D. Pese a mi cara de cansado, de lunes, de incrédulo, de haber perdido el Barça, etc. el curso me pareció interesantísimo, y lamento no poder asistir el miércoles."
(PS- Despite my tired face, my Monday-expression, my "I can't believe it that Barça has lost" look, etc, the course seemed really, really interesting and I am sorry not to be able to attend next Wednesday.")
These are the things that makes us keep going. Small details that keep humour up and all the strength to keep trying the best in each and every course!
(Text originally in Portuguese)