From the total 24 hours of the course, THINKING-BIG was responsible for the Managing Change and Creativity module, an 8 hour session which was very intense and full of movement.
When, after a day of debates, dynamics, and several talks, you hear things such as “I feel encouraged to re-think the way I think and do things” or “I reinforced my mobilization levels for creativity, in a personal and professional way”, in joyful expression, we feel it was worth it.
a) Preparing for Change
We worked under the premise that if there is no questioning and no new need created, there cannot be a first step in the search for Innovation. Therefore, we focused the first working hours in exercises and examples that would allow to:
- Question the obvious in different levels
- Focus attention on examples that represent different ways to do/see the same thing.
- Reflect on what does work mean. “What is it like to be a Public servant?” “What difference do we make in every aspect of our job?”
- Thinking big: what is the meaning and the impact of work on a daily basis?
b) Start the Creative Process
- Steps of the creative process
- Creativity blocks
- The importance of accepting error and “failure”
- Introductory exercises on the process of generating ideas (brainstorming, metaplan, mindmap, free association, unlikely associations, asking questions, among others)
- Dynamics for applying some of these techniques to work context: new ideas for intervention.
At the end of the 8 hours, the outcomes: most of the expectations met and comments showing ideas ready to be put in action, as the feedbacks on “What do I take from the training” show:
- “Internal excitement to mobilize my collaborators”
- “Strength, orientation and motivation”
- “Tools: Pass a positive attitude to others. Action.”
- “To be creative. Motivate.”
- “More certainty about the subject”
- “Reinforcement of my mobilization levels for creativity, in a personal and professional way”
- “More motivation for change”
- “Change of attitude”
- “Strategies to become more creative”
- “Sparkled my curiosity and imagination”
- “I take home more creativity, light thinking”
- “An encouragement to rethink the way I think and do things!”
CHANGE and CREATIVITY are now well planted in the training team and THINKING-BIG team has grown in enthusiasm!