- The current and most pressing challenge for the future of Positive Psychology is knowing how to leave the individual domain and applying its principles in the society (Jan Walburg); “We are very good at assessing the individual but we don’t get to change the world” (Luís Miguel Neto)
- The ultimate essence of Meaning is interconnectedness (the connection to others). We have to know what our purpose is and we will only achieve it with the resources built from interconnectedness. (Antonella delle Fave)
- Interconnectedness is not only a person-to-person relationship, rather a sense of community, a way of filling the “spaces in between”, and only then will there be Meaning and a place to create opportunities for wellbeing. (Marié Wissing)
- A meaningful life must be a socially constructed life. It is crucial to consider others when building ourselves. (Helena Marujo)
- “Life is much bigger than our own personal stories”. (Helena Marujo)
- The learning processes enhance creative skills, and creativity enhances memory skills and divergent thinking. (Hans Henrik Knoop)
- In order to achieve a flourishing society there has to be good economic policies, good governing (or leadership), confidence between people on the street, and a high degree of freedom. The leadership must be liberating and able to create opportunities for freedom. (Hans Henrik Knoop)
- The body must be the unifying force in Positive Psychology! The body does not need words and we should incorporate it more in our interventions. (Carmelo Vazquéz)
- What should we be teaching our children? How to climb rocks (and thus how to trust and how dependent we are on others and they on us). (Csikszentmihalyi)
- What we do is service to others, and should always be co-created with our clients. (Jan Walburg)
- It draws our attention the way in which the role of Education was so emphasized in all its different components by Hans Henrik Knoop, Csikszentmihalyi, and other researchers. It looks that it is starting to be (at last) of common acceptance that to build a better future we need to invest in Education, created with freedom, challenge and positive management of the strengths.
Learning from so many people with such value makes us grow. In knowledge, in personal enrichment, in meaning given to the work done. The environment felt outside the conference rooms was especially good, building bridges between projects and people, exchanging experiences and finding out more about what is being done in Positive Psychology in Europe and the World.