The Limerick Youth Service opened its doors to a different type of training.
This time the 20 Education professionals (teachers and educators) weren't supposed to teach or even to learn anything. This was a time to create a space for reflection, for new perspectives, for new approaches to their activity as "inspirers".CHANGING WORLDS was the name of this project, in which we talked about how to increase a positive impact as an Educator. About how to inspire, to act as examples, to broaden horizons, perspectives, and points of view. Focusing on the good stories, on what really works, and on the importance of recognition and paying attention to details.
All of this, with a group of really dedicated professionals willing to do their best in the contact with each of their students. The result of the training? 20 closed envelopes with the name of each participant containing a white paper on which each of them wrote their action plan for the "worlds changing" in their professional lives. In 1 month those envelopes will be returned to them and they will be able to remember and evaluate their efforts in the direction they defined for themselves.
Amazing 6 hours of training watching the skies of Limerick through the window and feeling the energy of a positive group interested in changing worlds in a more positive way.
What do you take from the training?
- I never realized there ware so many worlds in one
- Stop-think-not just act.
- Be positive
- Change
- Take a different perspective - it could work
- Reflection
- Perspective
- I met new people
- Reflect more
- Reflect - time out = change
- Thought provoking; Reasons, not excuses
- Food for thought
(Pictures by Marianella Ruíz)