"Working can be just amazingly meaningful!!!"
That was my thought after finishing this one day training in Galway Education Centre, in Ireland.
This time the two groups of the first and second editions of the Aviators of the Future gathered as only one and powerful group of 21 young people, from 12 to 17, full of energy, joy and freshness.
Since early hours in the morning till the time it was already dark outside, this group worked in what makes them the future leaders of their country. Students now, but who knows soon athletes, writers, thinkers, astronauts, actors,...Everything put into action during a day talking and working about choosing and creating your own path, and also about creativity, courage, inspiration, connections, human rights and possibilities for the future.
During the session I found precious, deep knowledge in these young Irish people.
Some days later I was still thinking about the answers they gave when asked about "Who inspires you?"
From every single person I heard amazing stories of inspiration: mothers who are able to do “impossible things”, neighbours who fight for the best for their children, friends who are able to cope with hard times always keeping a smile and good grades, famous people from their area of interest, family members who live inspiring lives,... While I was listening to their answers, their eyes sparkling with that spark of who knows something deeper and powerful from inside, it came into my mind that these were definitely special people with whom we have so much to learn.
Young people who are able to see the beauty and power of people around them and who are able to receive that inspiration for their own lives.
They reminded me that young people are still not 100% contaminated with the massive media information and its lack of deepness and mindfulness and that there is still space for us, adults, to act positively and create a change in them!
Minding about acting as an inspiration through simple things in daily life becomes more and more important, since there is still so much good space to create a change! These 21 youngsters were the proof of it and they created hope in me as a professional.
Let your sparkle keep shining, Group!!